Thursday, September 18, 2008

Plunge. Plummet. Collapse.

Plunge. Plummet. Collapse.
These are the verbs the media likes to use about the stock market.

Over-hyped. Overwrought. Over-paid.
These are the adjectives I like to use about the media.

What happened to objective journalism? What happened to reporting the facts - the who, what, where, and when? There's way too much "WHY" coming through my TV, radio, web, paper, etc. I don't care about their interpretation of motivation and next steps. I hate when they "report" things such as: "the stock market plunged 100 points as nervous investors left the auto sector in droves."

In the first place, what gives with the characterization of hundreds, thousands or millions of faceless investors as nervous? Maybe some of them were gleeful! Maybe others were morose. WHO CARES!

And, since most "average" people in this country are NOT playing the market on a daily basis, what's with the connection of John Q. Publics angst at the pump and the volatile markets? They show sound bites of some hapless fellow explaining that he can't afford to buy carrots as if that sheds light on the fate of multinational investments.

I don't get it. And I don't get the panic and entitlement that I hear from "average people" about how unfair it is that their 401K is down. Yes, you chose to play the market -- since when does "fair" mean things only go up? Not in this lifetime.

I'm not happy to lose money-on-paper me. But I just wish we could get away from the frantic, frenetic, and often false depiction and WHY markets move and just stick to the facts.

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