Monday, September 29, 2008

Buy High. Sell Low. Nicely Done.

More bad news. More fear.
Oh good, the nightly news will be able to spread more panic.

The panic movement on Wall Street is just beyond me. Especially when I hear people (just regular people) saying they are not only getting out of their mutual funds, they are getting out of their banks!?! Then what?

You can't have it both ways --- if the financial system is going to implode, then mass inflation (etc) is going to make your cash-under-the-mattress as valuable as Confederate Bonds. Grab a wheelbarrow of $20 bills and go by buy some bread.

OR, the financial market will right itself--granted most likely at a lower level, but it will build from there, eh? And if that's the case, you don't want to pull your money out now; you'll miss the recovery.

The rule of thumb is buy low, sell high....but so many people seem hellbent on the opposite.

Calm. Calm. Calm. Be brave and believe in the underlying mechanism.

But the alternative is unthinkable.

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