Tuesday, August 24, 2010

'Dancing Panda' Scratches His Back - ABC News

This is a video that’s making the rounds:

'Dancing Panda' Scratches His Back - ABC News

It’s cute and, yeah, the little panda does kind look like he’s rockin’ to the beat.

But c’mon: it’s not news.

Somewhere along the way, the “human interest” story has taken over the rightful place of actual news on TV.

I know there is a “24-hour new cycle” and sometimes they say they have to scrape to find things to talk about… but why is it the news on BBC America is always chock-full-o-news?  And not just whiney, blaming, complaining new-ish stories… nope, they’ve got actual journalism.

I think the news networks in the US figured out they can quiet the masses with “bread and circuses” and - BONUS! - save quite a wad of cash by not hiring and rewarding reporters for reporting THE NEWS.

I think there should be yet one more icon/graphic on the incredibly over-crowded screen: a pie graph showing the % of not-news, % of gratuitous network plugs, and % of news – well, that would be a teeny-tiny sliver, so a zoom feature would be a necessity.

Now back to some lovely piece of eye-candy in the studio with more dancing bears, cinnamon toast with Jesus’ face on it, and cheating-yet-repentant Hollywood stars….

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