Saturday, August 9, 2008

What's the Deal with a Kick-Line?

Did you see the XXIX Olympics Opening Ceremony? China put on one heck of a show!

Though I admit I made generous use of TiVo to move through some of it. I get the idea that host nation has spent years thinking through how to tell this huge story -- but sometimes I don't have the patience to listen or watch in real-time. Thank God for TiVo, I say.

But my original point was: China did amazing things with technology, but (IMHO) the coolest parts were the ones that were people-driven. I mean 2008 people doing anything is impressive...but 2008 people doing almost exactly the same thing? That's over the top. And creating geometric patterns so big they can only be seen from a blimp? Now that's cool. And how about that wonderful "dance" (and I wonder-filled!) they did with the Chinese printing blocks (creating water ripples, wind, characters, etc) -- I assumed that was driven hydraulics, but then i saw some legs at one point, and at the end "popping the top" of the blocks and a hundreds of people waved....truly amazing.

The creativity of the concept and precision of the execution were both jaw-dropping.

Which brings me to my title: What's the deal with a kick-line? I've seen a lot of shows and been in my share. Why in the name of all that is holy does the audience feel they should applaud when ANYONE joins arms and kicks---and I mean anyone from Rockettes to a half-dozen chubby grandpas! Now I will grant you--doing a kick-line well (with creativity and precision) is difficult, and a cool effect should be applauded. But I've noticed most people start applauding on the FIRST matter how ragged the line or how uneven the kicks or how uninspired the context....they go wild.

I just don't get it.

And I've observed the same audience that finds kick-lines to be, one must assume, soul-stirring... will be basically non-responsive to truly innovative and beautiful choreography---so it's not like they are aficionados of the dance!

If there are creative "products" in this world as amazing and beautiful as the Chinese Opening Ceremony---why do 5 uncoordinated fools flailing their legs around deserve applause?

Have they all taken leave of their senses? Or are they paying so little attention to what is true and beautiful that have defaulted to some Pavlovian response to a kick-line? Or maybe they just think it means the performers are almost done, and they (the audience) and sink back into their stupor?

Wake up, people -- the kick-line is NOT the Holy Grail of the Performance!

Practice discernment, I beg of you.
Leave your hands in your lap until your heart (not your eyes) tells you to acknowledge the performer.

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